Women of Mission Farms: Meet Darby Brender of Fusion Fitness
As part of our series celebrating the female business owners of Mission Farms, we're featuring Q&As with some of the owners. Get to know Darby Brender, owner of Fusion Fitness.Click here to watch an interview with Darby and SheKC Lifestyle
What got you into this business/industry?
Fitness has been a lifelong passion passion for me. I got to a point my life where I decided I wanted to make space for my passion and create a career out of what I truly love to do.
What is the most challenging part about owning your own business?
The balancing act! Running a small business means that you are the HR, accountant, marketing, and management dept. Until you do it you don’t realize how many hats do you have to wear as a small business owner.
Who is your woman spirit animal?
Dolly Parton
What is your favorite part about running your own business?
The community- you have the opportunity to create a team of like minded individuals and work with people who share your same beliefs.
What is the best piece of advice you can give young adults?
Confidence is QUEEN! Believe in yourself. Believe in yourself. Put in the hard work. Good things will happen!
What is the best piece of business advice you have received?
Don’t make decisions based off of circumstances you cannot control.
What is your favorite quote that keeps you motivated?
Work hard play hard!
Where do you look to find inspiration for your business ideas?
Everywhere! I read business magazines, I pay close attention to people with outstanding marketing, I listen to podcasts on inspiration, I have conversations with other business owners. Our ideas stop growing when we allow them to. As long as I choose to be an entrepreneur and a creative individual, I will soak up ideas and information wherever I can find them!
What do you think makes your company stand out?
The positive energy. Our studio space is filled with energetic happiness, the message that we extend is positive and our line of work is spreading positivity!