Diane Naylor Art Show at Gallery V Fine Arts

Guardians of Modern Renaissance
A R T   S H O W   W I T H   D I A N E   N A Y L O R
SEPT. 29   4pm to 7pm   |   SEPT. 30   1pm to 5pm

Gallery V Fine Arts invites you to experience the times of modern renaissance, where the past meets the present. Take delight in the artist's mythical creatures and the messages they deliver to your own imagination. In the artist's show works, Naylor depicts that goodness and guardians are all around us. Life is about how we choose to perceive it. Love where you are now. The only time is now. 

Join us for a change in art and a change in spirit. See Diane Naylor's newest collection and meet the artist of the new renaissance!

An artist reception and show will be held on Friday, September 29. The show continues through Saturday, September 30. Show works will be available for purchase. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Gallery V Fine Arts at 913-341-3483 or info@galleryvfinearts.com

Allison Taylor